Rakyat Malaysia khususnya umat Islam hari ini bangkit menunjukkan kebencian kepada kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh rejim Israel yang membunuh rakyat Palestin di Gaza. Kemarahan umat Islam Malaysia terhadap yahudi ini diterjemahkan pada demonstrasi aman yang diadakan tengahari tadi.

Kira-kira 500 aktivis dari pelbagai NGO dan parti politik menyertai himpunan aman membantah kekejaman rejim Israel ke atas Palestin di hadapan Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat.

Satu memorandum diserahkan kepada wakil kedutaan Amerika antara lain menuntut Amerika segera campur tangan dalam memaksa Israel menghentikan segera serangan ke atas penduduk Palestin.

Mari sama-sama kita berdoa supaya Allah menyelamatkan rakyat Palestin dari kekejaman Yahudi dan memusnahkan tentera dan kerajaan Yahudi yang jelas zalim dan kejam.

Gambar : Ihsan Harakahdaily


Anonymous said…
Hamas does not seem to care that many of their own innocent people will be killed if they start a war with Israel by firing rockets into Israel.

It is the same scenario in the 2006 summer war of Hezbollah with Israel in Lebanon. So much damage is done and so many normal people killed/injured but Hezbollah does not care just to get/gain political mileage.

Also Arab Muslims did worst and more cruel things to their own people compare to what Israelis have done; Arab Muslims killed more of their own people compare to the number killed by Israelis. When Arab Muslim do not even respect their own people, do not respect their own women, do not respect and do not give their own people freedom and human right, how do the Arab Muslims expect other people to respect them? Many people do not support Israel, but neither many people like the Arab Muslim.

I do not see these same Malaysians coming out to condemn the Arabs regime.