Tiada yang lebih menggembirakan keluarga tahanan lanun di Teluk Aden selain mendapat khabar berita bahawa kesemua tahanan telah dibebaskan dengan selamat semalam. Anak-anak kapal MISC milik Malaysia tersebut telah ditahan lebih sebulan oleh lanun-lanun diperairan Somalia tesebut.

Saya yakin berita gembira ini merupakan antara berita paling manis dalam hidup tahanan dan keluarga mereka. Yang sudah berendam air mata lebih sebulan.

Kejayaan ini walaupun terpaksa dibayar dengan harga mahal amat bererti kepada keluarga tahanan serta juga rakyat Malaysia yang sentiasa berdoa agar tahanan tersebut dibebaskan. Pembebasan mereka dua tiga hari sebelum hari lebaran amat menggembirakan kita semua.
Semalam media melaporkan bahawa pihak terbabit terpaksa membayar USD4 juta setiap kapal kepada lanun-lanun tersebut bagi membebaskan tahanan-tahana rakyat Malaysia itu.
Walaupun wang tersebut nampaknya agak banyak namun nyawa tahanan dan keselamatan mereka adalah lebih mahal dan tidak boleh dijual beli.

Syabas kepada semua pihak yang terbabit dalam usaha pembebasan tahanan-tahanan tersebut. Kepada MISC saya mengharapkan usaha-usaha bagi memastikan keselamatan kapal-kapal mereka dipertingkatkan pada masa hadapan.

Syabas dan tahniah sekali lagi.


I read this OPEN LETTER (which sure with his own agenda) in Anwar Ibrahim' official blog .
Tell me what do you think ?

Who Is Baradan Kuppusamy?
By Anwar Ibrahim

Dear Abang Din,

Ramadhan Karim and I hope you are well and doing fine.

I’m an ardent reader of your blog and I leave a comment most of the times specially if the topic is “explosive” and heat generating. (I use the tagname Abdul/Abdullah in your blog). That said, you may know one Baradan Kappusamy who writes for whoever pays him or whichever paper that demands his article which is mainly an anti-Anwar articles. My Indian friends call him a “paid whore.”

His behaviour and hatred against Anwar is very strong and he strongly supports Najib and we have reports that he has been recruited by him to run down Anwar. You can see it his the Star commentary yesterday and today’s The Malaysian-Insider (both BN leaflets) which are simply hateful concoctions full of bigotry, biased reporting and hatred.

I have looked for his contacts and even my Indian friends failed to get them, I wanted to contact him concerning his shameful diatribe and hysterical hatred against DSAI but I can’t get his contacts. I have been told that he is a shadowy figure who is a hired assassin. Therefore, I appeal to you Abang Din to try your best to supply me with his contacts (email, or phone, or both) if you have them or can get them through other friends in the media. He sometimes writes in Malaysiakini, so may be you can get his contacts from your Malaysiakini friends and pass it to me through this email address. (I have also contacted Susan Loone just now and I hope she will answer me).

Yesterday, I have contacted blogger MagickRiver (Antares)**, an Indian Anwar supporter and he told me that he couldn’t get the contacts of what he called a “shameful paid whore.” So, try your best if you can get me his address. Otherwise, you can contact him ask him the cause of his hatred against Anwar. He should be bombarded with outrageous comments in relation to his outrageous conduct so that he knows there is a limit. I’m really mad at this shameful character.

Thanking you in advance
Happy Hari Raya.

Note from Din Merican: “Let us ban Baradan Kuppusamy from our PCs, if there is truth in this private e-mail to me. Salams.”

So, how do you feel when Anwar (or his mate) also :
1. Ban ! ban source of net info;
2. Search and call and seduce other to search for his foes;
These are going back to the zero point even worst !!!